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Sis. Temidayo Oladipo

The Reality of Our Allegiance

Emmanuel, "God with us," is not just a comforting idea but a living reality that should shape our everyday lives. This truth becomes strikingly clear when we examine the life of Jacob in the Scriptures and reflect on how God's presence influences our allegiance and actions.

Jacob’s Encounter with Emmanuel

Genesis 28:10-16 recounts a pivotal moment in Jacob's life. As he journeyed to Haran, he encountered a vision of a ladder reaching to heaven with angels ascending and descending upon it. This vision was not merely a dream but a revelation of God's abiding presence. Jacob, however, initially failed to recognize the significance of this divine encounter. It wasn't until God spoke to him that he realized, "Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it" (Genesis 28:16).

This narrative illustrates a key lesson for us: Emmanuel, is ever-present, even when we are unaware of it. The challenge lies in recognizing and responding to this divine presence with commitment and reverence.

The Impact of God’s Presence

Ezekiel 2:10 describes the prophet Ezekiel receiving a scroll with words that tasted like honey. This imagery conveys the sweetness and the life-giving nature of God's Word. When ministers of God speak, their messages are a result of deep immersion in Scripture. Just as the smell of garlic or onions on our breath reveals what we’ve eaten, the words of those who have spent time in the Word reflect the richness and depth of their spiritual nourishment.

When we are in the presence of such ministers, it is vital to engage actively. Bring your pen and paper, and take notes. Engage with the message. This practice will help you internalize the teachings and better recognize the Emmanuel in your life.

Pledging Our Allegiance

Genesis 28:20-22 shows Jacob's response to God's revelation. He made a vow, committing himself to the Lord. This commitment was more than just verbal—it was a solemn pledge that led him to a deeper relationship with God. Jacob’s encounter with God transformed his understanding and allegiance.

In our own lives, this means reassessing and reaffirming our commitment to God. Galatians 3:3 reminds us that we must avoid foolishness and instead ensure that our actions and beliefs align with a genuine understanding of our faith. Our allegiance to God should be conscious and wholehearted, not merely a routine or tradition.

Sanctifying Our Lives

Emmanuel is always present, but our awareness and response to His presence are crucial. Just as Jacob left behind his old ways and idols (Genesis 31:24), we must also cleanse our hearts, minds, and environments. This process involves rejecting old habits, embracing holiness, and living in a way that honors God.

Our allegiance is demonstrated through our actions. As Jacob made a vow and forsook his idols, we too must show evidence of our commitment through our lives. What keepsake, covenant, or action reflects our allegiance to God? This is not just about personal piety but about living in a manner that is consistent with our faith.

Living Out Our Faith

Isaiah 48:11 highlights that God honors His Word above His name. This means that His promises are certain and His commitment to us is unwavering. In response, our lives must reflect His presence. We are called to live with integrity, avoid gossip, and uphold righteousness. Emmanuel is always with us, and our daily conduct should honor His presence.


  1. Father, please come and be Emmanuel in my life. I pledge my full allegiance to You, oh God, in Jesus' name.

  2. Father, please make us relevant in life in Jesus' name.

  3. Father, may Your presence never leave us in Jesus' name.

As we move forward, may we live in the awareness of Emmanuel, allowing His presence to guide our actions and shape our allegiance. Remember, God’s commitment to us is profound and everlasting. Our response should be a life lived in constant devotion and integrity, reflecting the reality of His presence.

Remain blessed this week and beyond in Jesus' name.


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